Friday Jul 15, 2022
Today's SONG TO CHEW is called COURAGE. We'll listen to the version I recorded for my live “Wake Up!” video with John Ritter, and my friends Irene van der Zande and Timothy Dunphy from Kidpower. They have an organization that teaches kids and families how to keep safe, and out of dangerous situations. We need 'courage' to face something or someone who scares us. 'Courage' comes from the french word 'couer' which means 'heart'. If we pay attention, our heart tells when we're scared, sad, happy or angry! Out heart reacts when we feel danger, and sends a message to our brain to decide if we're gonna fight or run away! Sometimes when we feel scared, we're not sure if we're really in danger, like when someone is being abusive to us. Usually it's best to leave when that happens, but if we have courage and decide to stay and listen, even though it's uncomfortable, sometimes we can talk things through, and our heart calms down and things don't feel so scary! Click the link below to listen, and if you want to see this live concert, go to, type in 'Peter Alsop Courage'! I'll be back next week with another ‘Song to Chew’!
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